印度漁民可望於9月順利取得生物認證卡印度孟買漁民可望於9月漁季開跑前,順利取得中央政府於各沿海城鎮推行生物認證卡計畫所核發之首批25,000張生物認證卡。該具儲存個人指紋、居住地、漁會別等資料關鍵字行銷功能的晶片生物卡好比是漁民的電子身份證。孟買漁會認為,當局之前推行漁民使用率僅達四成的聰明卡,並無提供安檢隊可交叉比對出持卡者身分的讀卡機,以致推廣成效不彰。此次力求計畫零失誤的印度漁宜蘭民宿業部為免重蹈覆轍,將特別提供讀卡機予海巡隊及孟買警衛隊執行勤務時使用。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 14/2012, 1 August 2012) INDIAN FISHERMEN TO GET BIOMETRIC IDs BY SEPTEMBERThe 房屋貸款first set of 25,000 biometric identity cards for fishermen in Mumbai is ready and is likely to bedistributed to fishermen in September, once the fishing season begins. The state 貸款fisheries departmentofficials said that they would also provide card readers to the Coast Guard and the Mumbai police, toensure no mistakes made during the failed smart card project 室內設計are repeated. The biometric identity cardproject was initiated by the Central government for all coastal cities in the country post 26/11. The cardis an electronic identity of 西裝外套individual fishermen.Compared to smart cards, the biometric card will also have the finger print of the person. Otherinformation such as his place of residence, and the association to 商務中心which he belongs will be stored on achip affixed to the card. Before this, government provided smart cards to only 40% of the totalfishermen. Though they were distributed, card readers 土地買賣were not provided. Hence, the cards wererendered useless and the security forces had no means to crosscheck the authenticity of the card holder,said the Mumbai Fishermen Association. 濾桶They hope that the biometric cards project does not getexperience any technical glitches.

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