不能免俗She's a common sight in the courtroom, but she 澎湖民宿won't be serving justice in the jury box anytime soon. Not ARMANIeven Supreme Court judges are exempt from jury duty. Associate 褐藻醣膠Justice Elena Kagan showed up to D.C. Superior Court Thursday 室內裝潢morning to serve her civil requirement. But she was released in 商務中心the afternoon without being called to serve on a jury.(More on 建築設計 See how courts are hoping to cut down on hung juries.)即酒店兼職使法官也不能免俗最高法院新科法官Elena Kagan到法院履行國民義務當陪審烤肉食材團團員, 但是他沒被選上, 當天就叫他回家.Read more: 信用卡代償系統傢俱-reports-for-jury-duty-but-not-selected/#ixzz1BvOEa400

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